The Board of Directors Poker Game
A board of directors is similar to a poker game. They both meet on a regular basis, there is a variety of individuals involved, they are primarily men, the number of members need to be present to make it meaningful and…

Companies With Three or More Female Directors Achieve Better Financial Results
Here is proof that diversity pays dividends! There have been numerous studies and reports on the advantages of having women on your board of directors. In the Wall Street Journal article Female CEO’s Make Room for Female Directors spells it out and…

Brutally Honest Conversation about Board Diversity with Board Members
This week I had two interesting conversations that with current board members about:
Board Diversity
Value of a highly functional board of directors
The board diversity conversation happened ironically after a board meeting that I attended. One of the company executives that was in…

Using a Recruiter to Build a Better Board of Directors
In a recent interview with Enterprise Minnesota Magazine the question was is it always better to recruit a board member blindly or by using a board of directors executive search firm. My response was I’m not sure there is a perfect…

Building a Board of Directors
Over 20 years ago I formed my first company. It was an imposing task as I had never formed a corporation or built a board of directors. I hired a lawyer and spent a significant amount of time and money “doing it…

Board Diversity is a Success in the Boardroom
Board diversity is always a hot topic, especially when a board seat becomes available on a company board. The truth is that diversity is evolving. Diversity goes far beyond gender and race but unfortunately that is what is easiest to measure…

Recruiting Women for the Board of Directors
More companies are looking for talented people to add as a board member to shape their company. The same companies are favoring board member candidates with experience as CEO’s or chief financial officers. In a recent Wall Street Journal article…

Biotech Firms Search For 300 New Board of Directors in Next 2 Years
A strong board of directors is needed for every business. In Biotech, a combination of c-level executives with a background in R&D is hard to find. Good training and talent are important for every board room.
According to a recent article…

3 Hurdles Every Board Member May Face
Every board is different, with its own individual personalities meshing for one common cause. Therefore, it is inevitable that there will a few hurdles a rookie or veteran board member may encounter.
3 hurdles every board member may face:
1. Not Doing…

Board of Directors Search for Women in the Boardroom
Myself (Jim Zuehlke) and Charlie Roer are co-founders of Cardinal Board Services and we are helping add women to board of directors across the country. We are narrowing the search to help shape companies in the boardroom after hearing complaints from boards…