5 Areas Every Board Member Should Focus On
17 Sep

5 Areas Every Board Member Should Focus On

Joining a board can be a rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. Sitting on a board is a great way to use your skills in other areas and share your experience.
While you are on a board you may wear many hats. In order…

Authors Write Different Ending for Amazon’s Board of Directors
16 Sep

Authors Write Different Ending for Amazon’s Board of Directors

In a recent letter by Authors United to the Amazon board of directors requested to challenge CEO Jeff Bezos to stop the “sanctioning” of Hachette author’s books. In the letter it states that the sanctions include “refusing pre-orders, delaying shipping…

Board Recruitment Best Practices
09 Sep

Board Recruitment Best Practices

A number of years ago for my birthday a friend of mine brought over 5 different vodka’s for me to try a blind taste test and select my favorite. He brought Stolichnaya, Kettle One, Grey Goose, Skyy and Belvedere. They…

The Science Behind Board Compensation
04 Sep

The Science Behind Board Compensation

When it comes to compensation for Boards almost anything goes. The variance of the amount of compensation a company gives range from $0 to $500,000+. Not only the amount of money paid annually, also the way boards are compensated.
Here are a few…

The Real Value of a Board of Advisors Role and Search
03 Sep

The Real Value of a Board of Advisors Role and Search

Often the term Board of Directors (BOD) gets confused with Board of Advisors (BOA) or just plain Board. A Board of Directors is a very specific entity. It has two main purposes:

To Hire and Fire the CEO
To approve corporate strategy

Those are…

Board of Directors Search Results One Year Later
28 Aug

Board of Directors Search Results One Year Later

Part Three – The selection and results one year later
Once Cardinal Board Services presented the final three candidates to Tim Gray, the chairman of the board, and Pat Ryan, the CEO of Ryan Companies, the decision was unanimous that they…

Ryan Companies Search For a New Board Member
27 Aug

Ryan Companies Search For a New Board Member

Part Two – The search for a new and different board member
While Ryan Companies has had a very successful history to date, the company understands that adaptability is paramount for continued growth. One of the biggest changes that occurred for…

Behind the Scenes of the Board (Nationwide Diversity) Recruitment Process
26 Aug

Behind the Scenes of the Board (Nationwide Diversity) Recruitment Process

Part One – The need, desire and challenge
Companies across the nation turn to Cardinal Board Services for recruiting board members. While the board recruitment process isn’t necessarily easy, it is important for a company’s governance.
In this three-part series, we look…

Why Your Next Board Member Should not be a Man
22 Aug

Why Your Next Board Member Should not be a Man

There are not enough women that sit on a board of directors, that is a fact! The problem with this fact is most seasoned board members who have served on boards for years have a horror story regarding one woman…

Seven Reasons Why You Need a Recruiter to Help Select Your Next Board Member
19 Aug

Seven Reasons Why You Need a Recruiter to Help Select Your Next Board Member

Most board member positions are filled by acquaintances from current board members. Frequently they use this practice to show a vote of confidence to the current board by adding the best kind of individual that fits the board’s personality. There is a huge…