How to Remove Board Members
There are several reasons why CEO’s would like to shed a board member or two at times. There are 3 primary reasons:
The person is disruptive to the effectiveness of the board
The person has served to long on the board
The person…

5 Things to Know When Selecting Board Members
5 Things to Know When Selecting Board Members
Selecting board members either for the first time or to replace/add to your board is an exciting time. This is mostly because of the unknown which also makes it a really challenging task…

7 Questions Every Potential and Current Board Member Should Ask:
Questions Every Potential and Current Board Member Should Ask
Below are seven questions that you should ask yourself prior to joining a new board or even to ask yourself if you are currently on a board. The more positive answers the…

Am I Qualified to Serve on a Board?
Being qualified to serve on a Board of Directors or Board of Advisors is a common question along with “How can I get on a Board?”
This is a very subjective topic but there are several characteristics that I see in…

The Benefits of Serving on a Board
The business world is very utilitarian…What is the Benefit! Always when a company makes an investment, produces a new product, hires a new employee, what is the benefit. The same is true when a company adds a new member to…

Board Diversity From a Women’s Perspective Part 3
I only serve on boards with diversity. It matters. I appreciate racial diversity, but I also appreciate gender diversity, industry diversity, functional diversity and age diversity. We all bring a different voice. I have attached a short piece I wrote that…

Board Diversity From a Women’s Perspective Part 2
1. What have you seen as the benefits to serving on a board that has diversity?
a. Quality of the decision improves – board members should be supportive of the CEO and at times without diversity, it is single minded. I am…

Board Diversity From a Women’s Perspective
Recently I hosted a table of Women CEO’s at a NACD event titled “The Board Game-How Smart Women Become Corporate Directors”. The speaker was Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire who had written a book with the same title as the presentation.
Betsy the speaker…

Seeking New Board Members Is Important
Seeking fresh perspectives and added experience from new board members:
Why should a company actively seek new board members? A fairly simple answer is that markets, economies and the world are changing at an ever increasing pace. This increase in the speed…

How Much Does a Board Member Make?
Board compensation plans vary greatly. From simple to complex and from cash only to cash, equity, long term comp, benefits and perks.
There is no absolute rule on compensation but generally the larger the company the larger the compensation costs. From…