Companies With Three or More Female Directors Achieve Better Financial Results

Here is proof that diversity pays dividends! There have been numerous studies and reports on the advantages of having women on your board of directors. In the Wall Street Journal article Female CEO’s Make Room for Female Directors spells it out and how women CEO’s are leading the way on this in their own company boards. One of the best quotes in the article was “Big companies with three or more female directors achieved significantly better financial results than those with none”. The other quote really supports my experiences that the CEO Mindy Grossman of HSN said “If you narrow what you are looking for to such a degree…you’re going to lose an element of diversity.”
It is important to have an impartial, third party board search company help define the parameters of the board member search and present candidates based on the skill set defined by the board of directors. Boards need to think of diversity to accurately represent a company’s stakeholders. Cardinal Board Services has helped many companies expand their search to include a more gender diverse group of candidates to add to a board. For more information on board member search services please call or click here.