How Much Does a Board Member Make?
Board compensation plans vary greatly. From simple to complex and from cash only to cash, equity, long term comp, benefits and perks.
There is no absolute rule on compensation but generally the larger the company the larger the compensation costs. From…
Five Mistakes That Startups Make When Choosing a Board Member
Name recognition is everything- Small startups often think that if they can get a well known person to join their board then the company’s credibility is confirmed. The problem is that the effect of getting a big name person to join…
Board of Advisors or a Board of Directors
Should you have a Board of Advisors instead of a Board of Directors
In private companies, the biggest question facing ownership that wants a board is should it be a Board of Directors or a Board of Advisors? If there is a…
Best Practices for an Active Board Member
Board members that bring the most value to a company’s board are very engaged. Below is a checklist to review to evaluate yourself or your current board members:
Best Practices for an Active Board Member: Are you engaged?Do you know the…
Board Effectiveness: Don’t let your board members lie down on the job.
A board member’s value is fully realized when they are an engaged and active part of the board and the company. Unfortunately, some end up just taking up space. Most board members who “retire on the job” but keep serving…
Getting Great Results From Your Next Board Member
A Board Search Firm’s Take on Getting Great Results From Your Next Board Member.
So one of your current directors/advisors wants to move on or you want to expand and is time to add a new board member. Typically the first thought…
MVD – Most Valuable Director
In looking at your board members, how do you evaluate their value to the business? Having a room full of Most Valuable Directors (MVD’s as we like to call them) will lead to success. The first thing is to determine…
Squandered Opportunity!
In the local paper today there was an article in the business section about a local tech company that was sold for a fraction of its former value. All I could think was, what a squandered opportunity! This instance could…